Established in the 2002,Chuangyuan electrical joined in the range of High-low voltage electrical appliances and plastic products,Taking up with the design,manufacture of products and technological our company employs more than 100 staff,including 20 specialized technological members our products are best-sold in domestic markets,but also exported to European,Southeast Asia,south Afirca,Insisting on the management concept of 'Good Faith,Innovation',under the formidable technical supports,Our company will bring the new value and new services to you 创源电器坐落于皖西北美丽怡人的-阜阳,占地面积15000平方米.地理位置优越,交通便利。 创源电器自成立以来,便投身与塑料制品及低压电器行业.公司主要产品有小型断路器,接线端子, 钢钉线卡 定位片,工业插头/插座,配电箱等30多个系列,,2000多种规格的产品.公司产品不但畅销, 还出口到欧洲,中东,东南亚,非洲等地区. 面对经济全球化的浪潮,创源电器有限公司本着'做精,做强,做大,做久'的企业理念,以人为本,诚实守信,不断创新进一步加快产业科技化,经营全球化 |